
Archive for the ‘Ecology’ Category

On higher parts of the beach; the following typical annual strandline vegetation can be found such as:

  1. Sea Rocket
  2. Spear leaved Orache
  3. Prickly Saltwort
  4. Yellow-honed poppy.


Embryonic dune development occurs at the southern end of Brittas and more widely at Buckroney and Pennycomequick, where the following species can be found;

  1. Couch-grass
  2. Sand Sedge
  3. Sea Sandwort.


The main dune ridges are dominated by Marram with herbaceous secies such as;

  1. Sea Splurge
  2. Sea Holly
  3. Rest Harrow


For further information on the sand dune system in Brittas see the Brittas Bay and Buckroney sand dune and fen system  link from which the above information has been taken

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